
The Joys Of Being A Brat — 6 Comments

  1. He’s got you exactly where he wants you which is great because that’s where you want to be anyway. Are you *sure* I can’t borrow him, just for a little while? I’d take great care of him, and you can be sure his position would be merely that of observer and trainer. England’s nice this time of year…

  2. How could you possibly embarass him enough to have him walk away and leave you? I’m trying to envision that and nothing is coming to mind . . . what are you doing that is so embarassing while shopping?

    And as for shopping styles, I’m with Dan on this one. I breeze through the shopping experience as quickly as possible, which is a very male thing actually. I don’t know why I don’t seem to have the feminine shopping gene, but I don’t. I’m the same way with museums too – just get me through quickly so I can move along to something else. Oh well.


  3. I think the quick spanking builds confidence in me too. I’ve just gotten a tangible reminder that someone loves me, and it feels pretty good too! I can walk around, secure that no one knows *why* I’m so happy, and feel extra-special because of it! Hope you had a good time shopping!

  4. When I was a little girl, my father would take me to visit antique shops. He would make me put my hands on my head, so that I wouldn’t touch anything. I hated it, then. But to do that with a “Daddy”, now………would be bliss.

  5. Louise, England would be lovely but are you sure you want Dan to pass his “spanking regime” on? 😉

    Carrielily, thank you! I feel happy and playful so I’m glad it comes through.

    Oh Invidia, it doesn’t take much to make Dan cut and run in Walmart. I’d list all the examples here but that’d take too long. I’ll make a post about it soon though.

    Sandy, that’s it exactly! And the shopping was fun. 🙂

    Spankme…, it’s funny how some things we didn’t like as children sound wonderful now that we’re adults. 😉