
Spanking Presents — 6 Comments

  1. 🙂 yum. breast spankin huh.. . OK so maybe Fred otta go surfing after al. *g*

    Hey John… WEG. Bethie really needs a sample like the one you sent Fred. It will really get her attention. It SURE got mine. I will behave myself forever and ever now.



  2. John, you’re welcome and well deserved of the compliment!

    Patty, you really should try breast spanking, it can be amazing. As for you behaving yourself forever, I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read that. John’s a great leather worker – not a magician! 😆

  3. I don’t know. Some of the SO’s might christen John a ‘magician’ if they get there hands on the brat loop. Especially if it makes Patty behave. 😉

  4. I love the look of those straps. Thanx for the info, I’ll have to pursue the purchase of one!

  5. Jayda, I think you might be right! You know if it gets Patty to behave it must be magical. 😆

    Papa G, I love all the toys we’ve gotten from John so I highly recommend getting yourself one or more. 🙂