
Busy Week — 2 Comments

  1. Looks like your in a major storm of hectic lately. Just wanted to write and say I tried a self spanking with a rubber spatula the other day and Whew! It stung and left such redness, I couldn’t sit well for a few days. I decided not to be easy on myself as I had been so naughty and all of my play partners live so far away. So, I let it rip. I would surely dread it even more if I was forced to endure it at the well sturdy hands of my play partners. It makes a hairbrushing, paddling and caning seem a walk in the park. This is one of those thick Rubbermaid ones, too. Ouch! Just wanted to share my thoughts. Have a wonderful week and a less hectic one.

  2. Diane, I’m so glad you agree with me about the evil that is rubber spatulas. I think things are finally settling down here, thank goodness. Thanks for the good wishes! 😉