
A Real Spankings OTK — 2 Comments

  1. Oh, my, what a lovely picture. And who is that lovely young “spankee”? She loks a little like Teen Jessica who has her own very popular web site, but it’s hard to know for sure. Her face is not what is most on display here. Her great legs and, more importantly, her lovely derrier are nicely displayed, however.She appears well positioned for a good, sound bath brush spanking, although I would have her just a little more “up and over.” It looks like the spanking is just about to begin as this picture was snapped. The moment when the excitement of anticipation is at its highest for both spanker and spankee.

    Looks like a sore, red, stinging bottom is in store for the lovely young spankee, a long with a nice flow of tears of genuine, heartfelt repentance. I would be optimistic that this spanking ended in a good “lesson learned.”