
We Have A New Toy! — 4 Comments

  1. Carrielily, I’m hoping to play with it soon, maybe later this week. I’ll decide what I like about the kit and take pics of the more interesting devices to share. I can’t wait! 🙂

  2. You know those little pom poms you can get at the dollar store that are made out of metallic maylar type material….well those are good with the wand. *smiling sweetly*

    Other things…using a butter knife along the skin while using it makes it feel like it is cutting the skin. You look down and expect to see blood. Even more intense those metal brushes to scrap grills.

    Less intense….I once saw a demo where they took a fabric that had metallic thread running through it in a grid pattern. The fabric was wrapped around the bottom so that it was really close to the skin and then the wand was used on the metallic thread…touching one spot and feeling it all around.

    yes I am sadistic as well as masochistic. 🙂

  3. Note to self: Don’t let Dan talk to Danae! 😆

    I’m kidding. I appreciate your suggestions. Hmmmm it sounds worse than the bug zapper? Is it??? 😉