
When The Brats Are At Play… — 10 Comments

  1. Appletinis — my favorite beverage! Good way to deal with Kill Joy; I’ve done the same thing to people who try to get me down. And if I’ve had TOO much alcohol, I may actually suggest someone needs a spanking. I’ve only done it twice and it’s shocked the other women so much that both times they shut up and blushed. Maybe both of them knew they needed spankings too.

  2. It sounds like a lot of fun Bethie. Nachos, mixed drinks, and hot tubs make for a great party! But part of me feels sorry for miss Kill Joy. (Yes, I’d probably feel differently if I knew her.) She must be pretty lonely and miserable. And though you are so right about the people who most need spankings not getting them, it is often also true that the people who need the most love get the least. I have a way of getting along with some of the most impossible people, and though they can sometimes make me crazy they can also keep things interesting.

    Here’s to more fun with the girls! And let’s also hope Kill Joy gets a good does of whatever it is she needs most so she can enjoy the next party instead of dampening the spirits of others!



  3. Yup it sounds like you had fun… 😉 But you know, when brats play they usually end up, end up. & if Killjoy can’t, then perhaps if you do it will help balance her karma…

    heheheheh just a thought.

  4. Loved reading this. Sounds like you and your girlfriends had a blast but . . . three times the spankings! LOL, wow, what silly things we say when alcohol is involved. Unfortunately Doms don’t see it that way do they? 😉

  5. Sounds like a lot of fun! I need one of those sessions. I’m sure Dan is quite happy with the trouble your mouth gets you into. 😀

  6. Sandy, gotta love the appletinis! I know one of these days I’m going to lose it and tell her she needs a spanking, I just hope it’s not in too public of a place. *grin*

    Invidia, I used to feel sorry for Kill Joy until I realized she’s just mean and enjoys being mean. Which is why I hope no one invites her to my next party! Yay for girl fun!

    Patty, I end up, end up often enough without having to try to balance anyone’s karma – much less hers! LOL

    Carrielily, the pitfalls of loose lips! It’s not so much him not seeing things my way so much as the endless teasing I’ve had to endure. He’s evil that way. *wink*

    A’marie, Dan enjoys my trouble a little too much…almost as much as I do sometimes! LOL

  7. Funny how things said in the rush of endorphins have a tendancy to come back and haunt a girl… Hooray for girls night out!

  8. Miss kitty, you are so right! Endorphins have led me to do crazy things like ask for the cane, more strap, more…well, you get the picture. *grin*

  9. Three fold? Sounds like fun.

    I just wanted to drop by and thank you for the link 🙂